With the experience of our trusted carrier partners, we offer the knowledge and solutions to help protect what your customers value most.
Excess and Umbrella policies help to provide practical solutions for precarious risks. We provide access to products and solutions that can offer an added layer of coverage in the event of excessive liability.
- Admitted and Non-Admitted Markets
- National Availability
- Premium Guidance: Min: $1M – Max: $500M
- Amusement Parks
- Bars & Taverns
- Bridge Builders
- Bus Operators
- Cemical Manufacturing

Morstan Advantage
For hard to place risks, Morstan Advantage provides access to Excess & Surplus Lines insurers that target tough-to-place accounts which may require customized solutions.
Across hundreds of business classes and industries, Morstan Advantage assembles a comprehensive, specialty product to help meet the insurance needs of your customers. We use solutions-oriented processes to provide our producers with the products that help you meet your customer’s unique needs.
